
[PANN] Kazuha seems to like being compared to Suzy.

Otherwise why would I film this?
(T/N: This is a Doona parody!)

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Source: board / translation: KpopNetizen

Article: Kazuha seems to like being compared to Suzy.

One. [+28, -1]
Who in Korea wouldn't want to be compared to Suzy?

2. [+14, -1]
If someone said I looked like Suzy, I would have written it down in my diary… and put 30 stickers next to it.

three. [+11, -5]
The company is openly promoting her as a Suzy lookalike. because? I think Suzy’s fans were really upset. I've tried countless times to compare the two and ended up making a video…
4. [+9, 0]
No, but… Is there anyone who doesn't like being compared to Suzy?
5. [+9, -9]
Fans need to stop promoting her as a natural + resin-level beauty.
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