
What’s going on with Yuna’s body?

She’s 20 yr old at the moment.

She’s an adult in every sense.

1. The mirror image is of the most beautiful girl, but I’m just so annoyed that she’s not good at selcas. It’s adorable.

2. Really, what would Yuna done if she hadn’t become a star. She’d be so irritated with the number of casting requests she’ll be receiving. She was cast in her 6th year in elementary school in real life.

3. She has the body of a pro dancer daebak.

4. The woman has everything from her face all the way to her lines on her body… and her hips and waistline are fake. Most people don’t have a waist line or have no hips with O-shaped legs shorter legs or some other thing that is a target for criticism, however, you shouldn’t be able to bash her for any reason. That’s why trolls complain about the color of her skin or what shade doesn’t fit her, and then drag her around for her hair. Her face was criticized for her appearance at the time , but she’s now perfectly. Personally, I would like for her to have dark hair and fresh makeup.

5. I find her shoulders to be extremely beautiful. Because she works out her shoulders, they are at an ideal angle.

6. The quality of her journalist photo


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