Article: “I'll bring G-Dragon up” Seungri's comment on the Cambodia incident drew criticism
Source: Herald Economy via Naver
[+2,603, -6] Even in another country… shame..
[+979, -3] And who put him on a pedestal?
[+442, -10] It seems that there is no difference with a non-celebrity ajusshi
[+300, -3] Wow, it's really inappropriate for GD to be tied to this guy like this
[+73, -1] Burning Sun really needs to be re-examined…
[+68, -0] Yang Hyun Suk would have done better by adding Jang Hyunseung instead of Seungri at the end
[+65, -1] Please stop calling him a former member of Big Bang!! Don't let him get away with using Big Bang's name to do more tricks!
[+50, -1] Look at this little snake that is embarrassing us as it moves from country to country
[+47, -0] Guys like him really show you how different the mentality of a celebrity is to us regulars.
[+45, -8] His life is no better than delivering packages to some factories if he doesn't succeed in Big Bang
[+35, -0] Trash is forever
[+21, -1] GD would rather sue him for defamation now
[+17, -2] I'm so ashamed of him ㅎㅎ
Source: Wikitree via Instagram
[+498] It's like he's possessed by Satan or something
[+416] As mama always says, you can't fix people
[+311] He will be a good partner for Jeon Chung Jo
[+312] I hate him I hate him, *spits*
[+172] GD will beat him again
[+47] There is no helping this kid ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
[+127] What happened to him?? He is like a religious leader now
[+27] Look how cheap he looks, his face is completely gone now
[+56] Nothing comes out of the mouth but lies ㅡㅡ
[+18] Look at that ajusshi look ~ Seungri is an ajusshi now ~

Article: Just when we thought G-Dragon's emotional troubles were over… Seungri pulls a 'Big Bang'
Source: Herald Pop via Nate
[+44, -0] GD doesn't need an opinion on this ㅎㅎ just let Seungri bark like a dog. I don't think anyone thought that GD and Seungri would be involved again.
[+28, -0] After seeing those pictures of Seungri, there will be no recovery
[+16, -0] I don't want to see this guy in any kind of media anymore. He is a criminal who should be put out of business.
[+4, -0] He knows that thinking deeply does not mean that everyone will forgive him because he lives his life doing what he wants.
[+3, -0] The ultimate attention wh*res of all attention wh*res.. Why live like this…
[+1, -0] He has no sense of shame
Source: Knowledge through Instagram
[+493] It wouldn't be surprising if GD just officially cut ties with him for good ?
[+401] What would he do with his life if he wasn't famous? Probably just scammed people until he died
[+165] Seungri's dad!!!!!! How did you raise such a disgraced son in life!!! ?
[+53] Poor GD feels humiliated by this… I wouldn't be surprised if he breaks ties after this…
[+73] He is used to lying, it comes freely from his mouth
[+53] He was not beaten enough
[+51] Look at all the greed on his face… tsk
[+66] Yes, people never change
[+15] His whole life is a disaster to everyone around him
[+24] He is tired of being human

Article: Seungri -> Yong Junhyung -> Choi Jonghoon -> Jung Junyoung… best friends creeping out in the media
Source: Newsen via Nate
[+544, -1] “Crawl back” ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[+340, -2] Reporter-nim, your choice of words ㅎㅎㅎㅎ “creep” makes you sound like chickens. What a perfect choice!
[+153, -2] The author is a visual speaker ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[+92, -0] Imagine how bad it is for real business to continue to allow criminals like them
[+12, -2] “Crawling back” there's no better way to describe this than that ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[+9, -0] They really are like moths crawling back out ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ