
[THEQOO] A group that was expected to enter the Billboard charts as soon as they debuted.

Magnetic from ILLIT

Expected to enter Billvard HOT 100 this week
By the way, they entered the UK rankings for the first time this week.
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Source: Theku / translation: KpopNetizen

Article: A group that was expected to enter the Billboard charts as soon as they debuted.
1. As expected, the graphics are aimed at the general public…

2. The song is good, but I can still see Newjin…
3. Many factors are needed for great success, including good songs and good promotions. However, if you come from a large company, you will have more exposure.
4. Does the hive now have its own color? I think there are also HYBE songs that other HYBE groups can sing. For both boy groups and girl groups.
5. It is not a self-composed song and the fact that I was able to debut with this song was all thanks to my agency. Why are you separating the agency and the song? Haha.
6. Songs play an important role, but it is true that if you come from a small company, no matter how good the song is, no one will listen to it. They may get recognition later. 99% of the success of reaching the charts within
7. Still, the song is good. Honestly, that's the only song I listen to these days.
8. Is it that popular…?
9. To put it simply, the song is good.
10. Hive’s influence is enormous.
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