
Rapper Big Naughty shared his girlfriend's Lovestagram post.

article: Big Naughty shared a lovestagram post.

source: Idol issue through Instagram

[+156] All your favorite Big Naughty songs are written about this girl right there…

[+246] The hovering hands make me laugh haha

[+93] Why are people so angry? Isn't this normal?

[+70] There he goes again

[+45] He stayed away for 12 years. Let's show our Big Naughty our support for his love.

[+20] I think it's funny that he doesn't give a crap about his career and talks all about his romantic fantasies about his first love.

[+20] Okay, and…

[+20] Hasn't he had public contact with her at a show before?

[+17] Why is he doing this?

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