
[PANN] A photo of Newjin from his debut days is a hot topic on Twitter.

“I still think it was a crazy debut for all members to debut with natural long hair without any styling or hair extensions.”
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Source: board / translation: KpopNetizen

Article: A photo of Newjin from his debut days is a hot topic on Twitter.
One. [+71, -5]
Why do women who fit this style get otaku clothes, bunny costumes, and kindergarten bags? I wish they would stop giving me the otaku style.
2. [+34, -9]
Looking at it like this, it's amazing that they've come together as one team… It really gives off an Avengers or All-Star feel.
three. [+25, -2]

Wow, this looks like a 5 star rhythm game haha.

4. [+24, -3]

5. [+16, -3]

I understand why people like it.

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