
[PANN] Jennie's cuts for Apartment 404 continue to come out

The pink ribbon fits her like a glove.

Their reactions are very diverseㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ.


Please pay close attention to the first episode that will air on 02/15 at 8:40 on TVN!

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Source: Pann / Translation: KpopNetizen

Article: Jennie's cuts for Apartment 404 continue to come out.
1. [+11, -1]
Wow, how long has it been since we saw her with this type of ribbon in her hair.

2. [+11, -1]
Reminds me of his 'Village Survival, the Eight' days.

3. [+10, -1]
I feel like Jennie will appear here and there a lot after leaving YG so I'm happy! Jennie, do everything you want to do.

4. [+10, -1]
Jennie is charming and pretty.

5. [+10, -1]
Her cheeks are cuteㅜ

6. [+7, 0]
Jennie headband is a must
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