[THEQOO] New Jeans Releases 3 Versions of 'Supernatural' Dance Workout
New Jeans' Supernatural Dance Practice'

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Source: Deoku / translation: Ketizenstars
Article: NewJeans Releases 3 Versions of 'Supernatural' Dance Workout
1. Wow ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I'm totally into that white t-shirt and jeans.
2. I'm crazy ㅜㅜㅜㅜ
3. The styling is crazy… The outfit is really nice.
4. You dance really well.
5. Wow, they seem like a professional dance group. They dance really well.
6. Wow, you gave me three versions. They dance very well.
7. The clothes look really comfortable and pretty.
8. I like New Jeans
9. I really like the choreography.
10. As expected, you danced well.