
Rookie debut Gyu-na is New Jeans' Daniel sister

article: [Exclusive] Rookie singer Gyuna was revealed to be New Gene's Daniel unni.

source: TV report through Nate

[+28, -0] all right

– [+5, -0] Another person trying to become famous by taking advantage of the privilege of having famous siblings.

[+25, -0] A reveal like this is surprising only after you've already built a reputation for yourself. Since no one has ever heard of this Kyu-na singer, it must be noise marketing to suddenly have a headline saying “She's actually someone's younger sister!”

[+22, -25] Who is Kang Daniel?

[+13, -2] I see, she debuted with her younger brother buffed. That means she's probably not that talented, but she'll make headlines anyway.

[+9, -3] Has noise marketing begun? ;;;;;;;

[+3, -0] So-and-so, Jang Won-young, who is this, Daniel? Haha, it's fun.

[+1, -0] The one on the left looks like Lee Da-hae

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